Which Material Is Best For A Dental Crown Or Bridge?

Dental crowns and bridges are two forms of cosmetic dentistry which are used to repair teeth if they are damaged, or to replace gaps in between teeth. They can improve both the aesthetics and alignment of teeth and differ from dentures as they are fixed within your mouth and cannot be removed.They are both a great option for your teeth as they can be long lasting and hassle free if you ensure that you take good care of them. Click here to learn more about the differences between a crown and bridge.

Dental crowns and bridges can be made from different materials. Our dental experts share their expertise to tell you more about it:

Materials commonly used for dental crowns and bridges

Dental crowns and bridges can be made from a variety of different materials, depending on their purpose. For example, if the aim is improving the appearance of a smile, then a material will be chosen which can make the crown or bridge look natural within your mouth, such as porcelain or ceramic.

Strength is another important feature of a crown or bridge. Often, the material chosen will combine both strength and aesthetics. The most common materials used for crowns and bridges are porcelain, ceramic, metal alloys, gold and acrylic. However, deciding which material will be used can be left up to a dental professional and lab technician, who will know what can work most effectively for your teeth.

What should I do if I think I need a dental crown or bridge?

If you think you may want or need a dental crown or bridge, book an appointment with a cosmetic dentist to find out more information. You should have a thorough assessment of your teeth before any work is carried out. The cosmetic dentist will be able to share their knowledge and expertise with you and help you decide on the right material. The opinion of the lab technician, who will create the crown or bridge and analyse your bite patterns, will help determine which material will work best for you and your teeth.

Book an appointment to find out more about dental crowns and bridges, or call Fresh Dental Smile Clinic on 01904 623687 to arrange a free consultation. Our award-winning dental surgery can offer you outstanding patient treatment and care.